Mallets Awhorebought: New, Inadvertant Legal Term Introduced

Any Intro to Law course, anywhere, high school, college, prison - will include a discussion about the principle known as "malice aforethought." Anyone who took one of those courses wouldve been a welcome addition to today's case.

A resident, Cuebert Rathrath, stood trial this morning for being suspected of breaking into his own room and stealing things while on a supervised 3day. Rathrath's fate lay in the hands of the all-resident jury. The judge, Helper Lance, told the jury to think about the legal concept of malice aforethought while deliberating.

Jury Foreman Walton Goggles said, "We all heard mallets awhorebought. All of us. If we all heard it, we all heard it. And! And, RathyRathRath had all those mallets in his cubby. It's not like we built up an elaborate conspiracy theory - that'd be crazy. We're crazy. I'm crazy, but my ideas aren't. Actually. That's a lie, I shouldn't have been jury foreman. But whatever, I'm done, box is checked and it's not even lunch time yet."