TV Writers Need Your Support -- Honk Your Horn!

Please visit UNITEDHOLLYWOOD.COM to learn all about the current Writers' Strike. The media isn't portraying writers fairly. We're only asking to be compensated for the work we do. ... I know, shocking, right?!

Writers are picketing in front of all the studios in town. Cars show their support by honking their horns. I say, wherever you are, if you agree with the writers, honk your horn. Wherever the hell you are. Just honk it. Let 'er rip.

On the State Political front, the Governor of Cauwleefornia basically did nothing and simply said if the opposing sides are willing to meet to discuss, they should give him a call. Lord help us, I hope he doesn't use this opportunity to rush "Kindergarten Cop 2" into development. Personally, I think there's more to explore between the character dynamic of Arnold and Sinbad from that Christmas movie years ago.

[12/15/07 Note: Some jerk on the picket line this week told me that Arnold getting involved with arbitration would be bad because he's known as a union buster. Funny, I thought he was known for "Twins," "Commando," and bagging a Kennedy.]