Randy: "What?"
Haji: "Cuba."
Randy: "What about it?"
Haji: "It sucks."
Randy: "So?"
Haji: "So? We're in Cuba. And it sucks."
Randy: "We're not in Cuba."
Haji: "Uh, sure we are."
Randy: (laughs) "We're not in Cuba."
Haji: "Okay, then where are we?"
Randy: "Montana."
Haji: "I beg your pardon?"
Randy: "Montana. Guanto, Montana."
Haji: "You've lost your mind. We're in Cuba, man. Guantanamo Bay, Cuba."
Randy: "Okay, first of all, stop yelling at me. And second of all, I assure you, we're on American soil in Guanto, Montana."
Haji: "That's just crazy. How can you say that?"
Randy: "Because it's the truth."
Haji: "Oh, who told you?"
Randy: "A guard."
Haji: "Were you upside down on a board with water in your face?"
Randy: (whoa) "...How'd you know that?"
Haji: "Just a guess."
Randy: "You are a great guesser. Montana has already been good for you."
Haji: "Montana sucks."