Juno and Bleeker are standing, talking.
Announcer (VO): "Previously, on Juno..."
Juno: "I'm pregnant."
Announcer (VO): "And now, Bleeker..."
Bleeker: “Well, I think you should do what you think is right. I mean, it is your vagina and uterus, and stuff. I know if there was a decision my penis and balls and stuff had to make with me, I wouldn’t want anyone getting between us.”
Juno: “Don’t personify your junk.”
Bleeker: “You do.”
Juno: “Did. I did. Once. I referred to my junk as a cat. Regrettable experience."
Bleeker: "You said it all feline and sexy."
Juno: "Zip it, Bleeker."
Bleeker and Vijay (Aman Johal) are running, talking.
Bleeker: “She's always worried I don't have enough clean pairs of underpants, or what I had for lunch, or why I'm sneezing."
Vijay: "Still haven't told your mom you knocked up Juno?"
Bleeker: "Good day to no, sir."
Vijay smirks.
Bleeker: "I'm still trying to find a more elegant phrase than 'I knocked up Juno.'"
Vijay: "Try, 'What's for dinner, Mom? I mean, Grandma.'"
Bleeker: "Also an option. For things not to say. Do you think you could come with me when I tell her?"
Vijay: "For, like, support?"
Bleeker: "Well, yeah, for nonverbal support, primarily."
Vijay: "Oh, that's cool. Not a chance, Bleeker."
Vijay keeps laughing as he runs off.
Bleeker: "You're... not close enough to hear me. Vigay."

Bleeker puts fresh sock balls into a basket as Mark Loring (Jason Bateman) stands there with a small keyboard.
Announcer (VO): "Previously, on Juno..."
Mark addresses the camera.
Mark: "I left my wife to fulfill my dream of being in a band. And Juno gave her kid to my ex."
Announcer (VO): "And now, another look at next summer's Bleeker..."
Mark: “You don’t need a woman when you have a band, man.”
Bleeker: “Juno plays rhythm guitar in the band.”
Mark: “Oh."
A beat.
Mark: "You guys need an organ player?”
Bleeker: “Not that I can think of, no.”
Mark: “Well, if you ever do, call me.”
Mark offers him a business card.
Bleeker: “I don’t know why we would though.”
Mark: “I’m just saying, if the situation arises, I’m your man.”
Mark continues to hold out his card.
Bleeker: “We’ve really grown close as a band, you know, with the underage pregnancy and all. I can’t recall an instance when anyone said, ‘This situation requires someone off to the side playing a synthesizer.’”
Mark: “Will you just take my business card?”
Bleeker: “I'd really prefer not to."
Mark: “Why?"
Bleeker: “Well, you’re a musician, and yet you have a business card.”
Mark: “And?”
Bleeker: “That’s it. Thought completed. I don’t have another thought formed yet. When I do, though, I’ll tell you. Or, if you give me your card, I could call you.”
Mark tosses the card at him.
Mark: "You're a jerk, Paulie."
Bleeker: "It's Bleeker. Bleek if you're nasty."
JUNO - 10 MONTHS (out of 9 MONTHS. 10's great for a movie, but not for a baby)