That one The Wire fan will soon no longer be able to ask, "Do you watch The Wire?"

The majority of "residents" at Shady Rest are avid fans of staring out the newly installed high-definition, Blu-ray windows. The few "residents" who still find it necessary to watch television are drawn to America's Funniest Home Videos and police procedural dramas. (It's been speculated that Tom Bergeron was a "resident" of Shady Rest in the mid-1980s.)

The most popular of the cop shows is HBO's The Wire. Executive Vice President of Communications for the Shady Rest Forum on The Wire, Bolden Grooks, has mixed emotions about this being the final season of the show. Grooks said, "I am sad The Wire is ending, and I am happy The Wire is ending. I am both. The day after every episode of The Wire, I ask my friends, 'Hey, do you watch The Wire? And they always say, 'Like I told you last week, no. Ask me again and I'll choke you with a wire.' Now, with the show ending, I can stop asking. I'm happy about that. But sad that I have to be happy about it, you know?"

Grooks was unable to speak with the other members of the Forum about The Wire, because, apparently, she is the only member. When asked why she named herself Vice President of the Forum instead of President, Grooks said simply, "It's a process. It's in the bylaws."

[Tonight's episode of The Wire, "Unconfirmed Reports": 9 RED HATS (out of 10 RED HATS)]