Todd Lagina, 17, a 2-time freshman at Shady Rest High School and self-proclaimed Dead-head, wrote the word “Phil” on a small piece of paper, and taped it onto his stereo tuner over the word "Bass," directly beneath the bass dial. Lagina did this as a tribute to the bassist for the Grateful Dead, Phil Lesh (pictured left). Lagina said, “It always cracks me up when people check out my stereo and go, 'Hey, why's it say 'Phil' there?' Every time, I just chuckle to myself and say 'Inside joke, bro. But you should totally check out the Dead'... Here, hit this."
When asked if he remembered what he was doing in 1995 when Jerry Garcia died, Lagina stated, “Not exactly. I was 2.” Lagina’s mother, Harriet Lagina recalled, “At 2, Todd did nothing but eat, nap and poop. Oh, and show his wee-wee to everyone who walked in the door... Here, hit this."